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Re: How to install the new kernel image?

On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 04:25:27PM +0100, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:
> I've got a Raspberry Pi unit, running a locally built NetBSD 8.99.1
> image from October (dmesg.boot attached).  I've just tried updating to a
> current kernel, and since the build produces a "netbsd.img" file, I
> figured I could just install that as /boot/kernel.img.  That didn't
> work, though -- the Pi doesn't even try to boot, but leaves the monitor
> with a pretty rainbow-colored test image.
> Is there something new that I've missed?

Nick explained that in a mail on Dec 10 with the subject "Heads-up:
RPI FDTisation committed".  In short, you're missing the .dtb files,
you need to copy those over to the FAT partition too.


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