Hi Folks,
Chuck Silvers suggested to send to port-arm and current-users for this:
I may or may not stand alone on this, but, the autoexpand of the root
file system to full flash size that is in the images (i'm thinking the
PI, but others too), is detrimental and a pain to work around. I find it very rare I ever want the root filesystem to be the full size of the flash. Larger, yes, but, not that much.
Is there any reason that this can't instead be done such that it
asks how much to expand it to, only the first boot, rather than just
expanding it? If doing something attached to the console during boot is too much of an issue, then perhaps a script that the user can run if they so desire, along with a boot time message saying they can do so if they want. An option to the user could then be max-size for those who want to do so, otherwise just enter the size you want into the script input.
The workaround is time consuming: take flash to machine with fat
support, change boot to -s, back to evb and boot, edit out resize, mount
fat and remove -s, reboot... There must be a better way.
Just asking.
Thank you