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Re: testers wanted -- hardware RNG driver patches

I don't suppose the Raspberry Pi patch would do anything on the Pi 2 which has the bcm2836 (not bcm2835)?


On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 1:24 AM, Taylor R Campbell <campbell+netbsd-port-arm%mumble.net@localhost> wrote:
I've been sitting for a while on the attached patches to simplify
various ARM hardware RNG device drivers, following some simplification
in the kernel's hardware RNG API, but I lack hardware and time to test

- am335x_rng.patch is for Beaglebone and other TI Sitara AM335x systems.
- bcm2835_rng.patch is for Raspberry Pi.
- tegra_rng.patch is for NVIDIA Tegra boards.
- amlogic_rng.patch is for some other ARM platform I can't keep straight.

Would anyone like to give them a spin?  Just make sure the system
boots, you can read from /dev/random, `rndctl -l' lists some bits from
the hardware RNG device, and the kernel doesn't spew errors about
rngtest failures.

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