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Re: Looking for ARM hardware

If you mean the Erlite3, then the USB is not broken as such. The problem is
that the UBoot in the flash doesn't bother doing a _proper_ initialization
of the USB hardware - just enough the talk to the included USB sticks via
usb-storage and boot from them. As a result, only some USB sticks work with
the Erlite3 (such as the Sandisk Cruzer Fit 16GB) in that state. However, if
you, say, netboot NetBSD current on it and then reboot, it will cheerfully
boot from any random USB stick you've got lying around - because NetBSD
(or for that matter, Linux) actually does a full initialization of the USB
hardware stack. BTDTGNTS. Unfortunately, NetBSD current was ... not really
useful the last time I tried it on the Erlite3 - compiling hello_world.c
worked fine, but building anything from ports failed with weird compiler

Well, yes and no. USB works in NetBSD, but unless something has changed in the last several months, doing any decent amount of USB transfers locks the system. I can't cvs pkgsrc, for instance.

I haven't tried recent -current, but netbsd-7 from a few months ago did work enough to allow a number of packages to compile from pkgsrc (which got on to the USB disk via another machine).


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