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Re: 2015-04-19-netbsd-raspi-earmv6hf.img (Re: Raspberry Pi update please.)


Thanks for making these images. I have 2 questions:

-Why didn´t you comment out DEBUG/DIAGNOSTIC yet? Ich have been
running a kernel without for a while and it is extremely stable (at
least on my RPI 1).

-Will there be official binary pkgsrc packages for armv6/armv7 in the future?

2015-04-19 13:43 GMT+02:00 Jun Ebihara <jun%soum.co.jp@localhost>:
> I've updated 2015-04-19-netbsd-raspi-earmv6hf.img.gz for RPI and RPI2.
> ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/misc/jun/raspberry-pi/2015-04-19-earmv6hf/2015-04-19-netbsd-raspi-earmv6hf.img.gz
> Overview:
>   http://wiki.NetBSD.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/
> Update:
> - RPI2 support (all 4 processor enabled!)
>   RPI and RPI2 can boot with this image.
> - NetBSD-current 7.99.9 evbarm-earmv6hf 201504161830Z from nyftp.
> - pkgsrc-current 2015-04-11 tarball from ftp.NetBSD.
> - automatic resize partition : see /etc/rc.conf
>   1. copy image to SD/MicroSD
>   2. Boot
>   3. Calculate and resize ld0 partition and automatic reboot
>   4. after the reboot,root partition fit for your card.
>     http://movapic.com/pic/20150416115108552fa22c4f225
> GPU - omxplayer and ioquake3-raspberrypi support
>   After "Growing the root file-system"
>   pkg_add omxplayer
>   pkg_add youtube-dl
>   youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG8ZCC8IwvM
>   omxplayer *
> I2C - "Raspberry Pi I2C implementation still broken?"
>   http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-arm/2015/02/10/msg002853.html
>   "I can confirm the IOCTL is fixed, and can now successfully program I2C
>   EEPROMs using NetBSD on the Pi."
>   NetBSD RPi i2c sample code:
>    https://gist.github.com/cr1901/76af0b3db9e9001a8d5b
>    http://gnats.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/query-pr-single.pl?number=48855
>    http://gnats.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/query-pr-single.pl?number=48932
> Pre-compiled packages:
> - Pre-compiled packages path setting: see /etc/pkg_install.conf
> PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/misc/jun/raspberry-pi/earmv6hf/2015-05-23/
>  To install application.
>  # pkg_add some_application_name
>  If you update pkgsrc by yourself,comment out /etc/pkg_install.conf and check
>  /etc/mk.conf.
> Growing the root file-system by hand:
>   use disklabel -i and resize_ffs
>   http://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/
> musica - DLNA/UPnP music server: (Thanx @cvsync)
>  MAEKAWA Masahide make a DLNA/UPnP music server called "musica".
>   1. Check http://www.m-systems.co.jp/musica/index_en.html .
>   2. Download musica-0.3.18-netbsd6-evbarm-earmv6hf.tgz for evaluation.
>   3. pkg_add musica-0.3.18-netbsd6-evbarm-earmv6hf.tgz
>   4. musica -d [AAC,MP3,WMA,FLAC,DSDIFF,DSF,AIFF,WAV,Apple Lossless dir]
>   5. Find from DLNA/UPnP AV equipment.
>   6. With a little luck,you'll find musica and enjoy music via musica.
>   7. If you feel slow,Try {NetBSD/amd64 i386,OSX,Ubuntu} Version or improve NetBSD.
> XM6i - SHARP X68030 Emulator for NetBSD/x68k (Thanx isaki@)
>   Need more testing: http://t.co/dpOaxtHZRe . wxGTK28 package required.
> Todo:
> - Try light-desktop:
>   http://wiki.netbsd.org/light-desktop/
> - Summarize /usr/tests atf result on earm/earmhf/earmv6hf.
> - comment out kernel DEBUG/DIAGNOSTIC option
> - https://github.com/isaki68k/sayaka
> - http://www.netbsd.org/~joerg/nodejs.tar.gz
> - DTRACE http://wiki.netbsd.org/tutorials/how_to_enable_and_run_dtrace/
> - yaft (yet another framebuffer terminal):
>   https://github.com/uobikiemukot/yaft
> - RPI.rst in english.
> - /dev/mem: http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-arm/2015/03/12/msg002934.html
>   "can't open /dev/mem" -> re-compile kernel with INSECURE.
> - Sound output to the jack: port-arm/2015/03/12/msg002938.html
>   I just had to add a "hdmi_ignore_edid_audio=1" line into a new (optional)
>   /boot/config.txt file. And it redirects all the audio signals to the jack
>   and not to the HDMI. Just what I wanted.
> pkgsrc Todo:
> - openjdk7/8
> - lang/go
> - lang/erlang
> - www/firefox
> =====================
> For FreeBSD Workshop demonstration use, I've updated raspberry-pi image.
>  http://freebsd-workshop.connpass.com/
>  https://www.facebook.com/events/772783982817617/
>  https://www.facebook.com/NetBSD.jp
> - NetBSD 7.99.9 earmv6hf rpi.img.gz base
> - Connect HDMI,USB Keyboard,USB Mouse,Ether(dhcpd and ntpd will work)
> - login root (no passwd)
> - startx ,and icewm running.
> - running mikutter.
>   twitter client (net/mikutter) on 40inch home TV.
>   http://movapic.com/ebijun/pic/5168479
>   # startx
>   # dillo &
>   # mikutter &
>   or
>   # LANG=en_US.UTF-8 mikutter &
>        English menu support. LANG environment setting on .xinitrc .
>   ==== one or two or threee moment =====
> Appear mikutter window. and mikutter-chan tell you,
> "Well done on the installation!" [Next]
> "Hi! This is mikutter-chan speaking to you,join the twitter with me!" [Next]
>  1. "Click the link https:......" click the URL,
>     copy URL into dillo.
>  2. "login with the Twitter account you wish to use."
>  3. "Go along until you see a 7-digit code and type it in at the top."
>   -> get pin number.
>   -> paste pin number to mikutter
>  4. "Congratulations! You have attained achievement register_account!"
>   Share your twitter timeline with your family!
> Features:
>   - fit size for 2GB SD Card
>   - with X11
>   - increase more inodes on /dev/ld0a
>   - Recent current RPI kernel
>   - USB/video support: as -current (video needs more tests)
>   - pkgsrc: 2015-04-11 tree inside.
>   - pre-build packages
>     ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/misc/jun/raspberry-pi/earmv6hf/2015-04-19/
> Installed Packages:
> kterm
> bash
> tcsh
> vlgothic-ttf
> icewm
> xli
> mikutter
> medit
> uim
> fossil
> raspberrypi-userland
> sudo
> git-base
> zsh
> dillo
> mlterm
> pkg_chk
> lintpkgsrc
> mozilla-rootcerts
> To control HDMI output,add/delete "console=fb" on cmdline.txt.
> If delete console=fb definition,you can get serial console instead.
>  rpi$ more /boot/cmdline.txt
>  root=ld0a console=fb
> Keyboard layout checkpoint:
> /etc/wscons.conf
>  #encoding sv
>  #encoding us.swapctrlcaps
>  encoding jp
> /root/.xinitrc
>  setxkbmap -model jp106 jp
> /root/.mikutter/plugin/ : http://yuzuki.hachune.net/wiki/Plugin
> - display_requirements.rb [Pre installed]
> Build sample script:
>  https://github.com/ebijun/NetBSD/tree/master/RPI/RPIimage/Image
> Guide:
>  https://github.com/ebijun/NetBSD/blob/master/Guide/RPI.rst
> 1. port-arm/48855
>   i2cscan on RPi NetBSD build finds device for all addresses
> 2. i2c problem reported from "its sead".
>   /usr/sbin/i2scan on iic0 or iic1 often crashes the device (also with the -r
>   (use writes) option)
> 3. cap_mkdb failed, on update terminfo db.
>   https://twitter.com/uobikiemukot/status/487977340949893121
> One more time: (we're gonna celebrate
>  1. login root
>  2. mlterm-fb
>  3. ftp http://mlterm.sf.net/vimperator.six
>  4. cat vimperator.six
>  5. exit
>  6. mlterm-fb --rotate=left
>  7. cat vimperator.six
>     and @Chris_J_Baird only knows how to get to 1987.
>  8. ftp http://kildall.apana.org.au/~cjb/mandel5.c
>  9. cc mandel5.c
> 10. ./a.out 1024 728 -2 -1.5 4.0 |tee f
> 11. cat f
> --
> Jun Ebihara

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