It's now the second night that it happened:
NetBSD 7.99.1 (CUBIETRUCK) #0: Fri Nov 7 19:55:26 MET 2014
total memory = 2048 MB
avail memory = 2022 MB
sysctl_createv: sysctl_create(machine_arch) returned 17
timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0 core 0: 960 MHz Cortex-A7 r0p4 (Cortex V7A core)
cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB disabled EABT branch prediction enabled
boot device: dk1
root on dk1 dumps on dk2
root file system type: ffs
panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "pg != NULL" failed: file
"../../../../arch/arm/arm32/pmap.c", line 1291
cpu1: Begin traceback...
0xb279fdb4: netbsd:db_panic+0xc
0xb279fde4: netbsd:vpanic+0x1b0
0xb279fdfc: netbsd:__udivmoddi4
0xb279fe3c: netbsd:pmap_create+0x1bc
0xb279fe64: netbsd:uvmspace_init+0x6c
0xb279fe8c: netbsd:uvmspace_alloc+0x44
0xb279feac: netbsd:uvmspace_spawn+0x24
0xb279ff4c: netbsd:execve_runproc+0xac
0xb279ffac: netbsd:spawn_return+0x2bc
cpu1: End traceback...
dump to dev 168,2 not possible
Skipping crash dump on recursive panic
panic: delay: arg 5000000 overflow, limit is 4473924 usec
cpu1: Begin traceback...
0xb279fd04: netbsd:db_panic+0xc
0xb279fd34: netbsd:vpanic+0x1b0
0xb279fd4c: netbsd:snprintf
0xb279fd7c: netbsd:cprng_fast_seed
0xb279fdb4: netbsd:dumpsys+0x18
0xb279fde4: netbsd:vpanic+0x1bc
0xb279fdfc: netbsd:__udivmoddi4
0xb279fe3c: netbsd:pmap_create+0x1bc
0xb279fe64: netbsd:uvmspace_init+0x6c
0xb279fe8c: netbsd:uvmspace_alloc+0x44
0xb279feac: netbsd:uvmspace_spawn+0x24
0xb279ff4c: netbsd:execve_runproc+0xac
My cubietruck (ct) is running actual -current (with SMP) with stock
CUBIETRUCK kernel and userland.
It's running some rsync data synchronization (over net) all the time
(at the moment). The panic happened during additional
Does anybody see what's going wrong here?
Tell me if more info is needed.