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Re: Are there known issues with earmhf?

On Aug 1, 2013, at 1:35 PM, Dennis Ferguson 
<dennis.c.ferguson%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:

> I looked at this again more carefully.  The problem isn't the kernel, it
> is the earmhf gcc or user space libraries.
> I have two builds built from the same sources using the same arguments
> to build.sh except that one had a '-a earm' and the other had '-a earmhf'.
> I looked at two utilities which use a little bit of floating point, ping
> and vmstat.  On the earmhf build ping fails as described above while
> vmstat prints all zeroes for the percentages in the three right hand
> columns (normally these three columns add to 100); those percentages
> are computed with floating point arithmetic.
> ping uses floating point for time intervals and makes explicit calls
> to two external floating point functions.  It calls strtod() to
> process -i and -w option arguments, and it calls sqrt() at the end
> when computing the standard deviation.  vmstat makes no explicit
> calls to any external floating point functions.
> If I copy the earmhf ping and vmstat binaries, which fail on the
> earmhf beagle, to the earm beagle, they both work.  The earmhf
> vmstat works perfectly with earm libraries as is (it makes no
> explicit calls to external floating point functions).  The earmhf
> ping fails to work on earm when the options are used, causing it
> to call strtod(), but otherwise works fine there (the result of
> the sqrt() even looks reasonable, though I don't know if it is
> correct).  If I do
>    LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libc_vfp.so.0 ping ...
> then even the options work.  earmhf binaries hence run with earm
> libraries, but not with earmhf libraries.
> I'm pretty sure the problem has nothing to do with the kernel since
> the kernels built with each build seem to be identical other than
> the strings, the earm kernel runs with the earmhf userland and vice
> versa, and the problems remain on the machine with the earmhf userland
> no matter which kernel is run there.
> What I did notice, however, is that the compiler is emitting calls to
> __aeabi_*() functions in both progams, including functions which do
> long long <-> double conversions.  ping calls these
>             U __aeabi_l2d
>    0000cdb0 T __aeabi_d2lz
>    0000cdf8 T __aeabi_d2ulz
> while vmstat calls this
>             U __aeabi_ul2d
> The latter one is particularly interesting because the floating point
> arithmetic done in vmstat is limited and really simple.  I'm pretty sure
> the only way that the three percentages vmstat prints could be zero is if
> the calls to __aeabi_ul2d() are failing on earmhf, while they clearly are
> working when the earmhf binary is run against earm libraries.
> So I wrote this test case to generate a call to __aeabi_ul2d():
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> int
> main (int argc, char * const *argv)
> {
>        unsigned long long ul;
>        char *cp;
>        if (argc > 1) {
>                ul = strtoull(argv[1], &cp, 0);
>                printf("%llu: %f\n", ul, (double) ul);
>        }
>        return (0);
> }
> This works as expected when compiled and run on earm, and it works as
> expected when compiled on earmhf and run on earm, but a binary compiled
> and run on earmhf always prints '0.0000' as the value of (double) ul no
> matter what ul is.  Playing with the code a little and looking at the
> generated assembler for earmhf, it appears to me that gcc expects the
> result of calling __aeabi_ul2d() to be returned in the integer registers
> r0 and r1, which I'll bet is not what is supposed to happen for earmhf.
> Either gcc for earmhf is somehow misconfigured or it is just broken.
> Should I file a bug for this?

No.  I had a fix for it.  Thanks, your mail helped.

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