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2015Q4 packages for current/Xorg


Harald Meinzer invested some more weeks to compile 2015Q4 packages for
recent kernels running Xorg. Among other packages the highlights are:

SDL-1.2, bash, curl, dillo, e17 (Enlightenment), fluxbox, ghostscript, git,
gmake, gtk2+, lha, ncurses, openbox, perl5, pulseaudio, python-2.7, screen,
scummvm, screen, wget, xchat.

There is a thread on a1k.org, which shows screenshots of an A2000 with 68060
and CV64, running Enlightenment and ScummVM:


Install the new 2015Q4 packages from here:


The old 2015Q3 packages are still available as .../packages2015Q3.,

Frank Wille

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