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Keyboard, console or interrupt problems?


Again, I've attempted a fresh HEAD (latest releng build) install on an A1200 
(68060, Blizzard IV SCSI + SCSI disk). This particular A1200 is towered and has 
an external keyboard connected through PC-Key 1200 interface. 

Unfortunately, I can't complete the installation, as the keyboard often 
suddenly stops working in NetBSD. It does work without any problems in AmigaOS 
and software that bypass the OS. 

Sometimes it stops working as early as kernel boot (I can't type anything at 
root device prompt), sometimes much later when installer is already running. If 
I manage to start the installation and then keyboard stops, then I can drop 
into ddb with alt-amiga-f10... and I can type in ddb. Which means that keyboard 
is working in fact, but console is stuck for some reason ;). 

What's most irritating is that it never happen in the same moment. I think that 
sometimes console being stuck is related to doing some read or write to block 

Dropping into ddb doesn't show anything suspicious…


It would be great if someone attempted a releng HEAD installation on an A1200 
and reported back ;-). 

Best regards,
Radoslaw Kujawa

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