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Re: www/firefox on NetBSD/m68k ?

Geert Hendrickx wrote:
pkgsrc/www/firefox/Makefile.common has:
# NetBSD-*-m68k builds, but "regchrome" dumps core.
NOT_FOR_PLATFORM=       NetBSD-1.4.*-* NetBSD-*-m68k

but Firefox 1.5 doesn't have regchrome anymore.  I don't have any m68k
hardware -- could anyone here please test whether it builds+runs now?
(Please CC me any replies, I'm not subscribed to this list.)

I've been building prereqs on my way to trying this. We'll find out what happens fairly soon, I hope. :) The Amiga folks could probably have it built (68060!) before I could, though.


Tim & Alethea

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