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2.0 not working


I have had several kernel panics with 2.0, and I am still not sure what is causing them. I know that it is something related to certain threads in the kernel taking more memory than they should, but there seems to be no solution. A friend of mine built a kernel with a patch that was supposed to solve this problem but it looks like it will kernel panic again shortly, and the computer seems much slower with this kernel.

I am seriously considering going back to 1.5, only because I could copy from the old hard drives using dump | restore, and my server should be ready to go in a few hours (if I went back to 1.6, I would still have to compile everything, and I am running out of time). There is however a problem with using 1.5 with the new drives. I have 2 - 250 gig drives in this system and I would like to have the second drive setup with only one partition. The problem is that if I do "newfs /dev/sd1c" and then if the server is not shutdown properly, I am not able to fsck the second drive or the home partition on sd0 (it is around 150 megs). Is there something that I need to do differently with those partitions?


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