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Re: PCMCIA reset bug in netbsd


> Actually, when googling myself, I found the application you mentioned 
> first. Hm... It should be easily possible to make our PCMCIA code register
> a reset handler ... and maybe reset at boot time ... Hm. 

I read CardReset.asm and gayle_mcmcia.c, and found that:

- CardReset asserts the reset signal for 15 ticks, that's 300 ms, per default,
  and the documentation advises against asserting it for less than 5 ticks 
  (100 ms).

- NetBSD asserts the reset line for 1 ms at attach (system startup) time.

  I suspect we should:

  * register a reset handler and assert it at reboot time, too, so that
    the card is in a defined state when the system comes back up.

  * check the specifications and maybe extend the assertion time to 100 ms
  (delay(20000) instead of delay(1000)).

Aymeric, can you tell something about the reset time you've chosen back


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