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Re: OT: Amiga hardware need

You might want to try KDH. That's where I got my X-Surf2, which btw
works fine with NetBSD.



On Πεμ, 2004-08-19 at 00:43, admin%datazap.net@localhost wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if someone could tell me where I could get or if anyone
> would have any Amiga hardware for sale? I am looking for either an
> AriadneII or X-surf ethernet card. I tried to buy an X-surf II (to test
> with NetBSD) and they don't seem to be availiable. Are there any other
> network cards that have an RJ-45 connector that is supported by NetBSD?
> I know that NetBSD runs on just about anything, but I really hate to give
> up on port Amiga.
> Thanks,
> Al
Emm Vasilakis <evas%agn.forthnet.gr@localhost>

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