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Re: sendmail + postfix = problems (Re: updating sendmail)


This is one of things that bother me. The log really doesn't show anything
that is that really out of the ordinary, and I have been tailing the log
on and off since I started having problems. Although, the postfix log does
show a lot of bounces to domain names that are not on my server. But I am
not sure why this is?


On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Lars Hecking wrote:

> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 18:37:04 +0100
> From: Lars Hecking <lhecking%nmrc.ie@localhost>
> To: port-amiga%NetBSD.org@localhost
> Subject: Re: sendmail + postfix = problems (Re: updating sendmail)
> > I have been running NetBSD 1.5.3 without any problems, and then I started
> > to notice more, and more sendmail daemons hanging. Until I had a very
> > large number of them. Now, I don't seem to be getting all my email, and
> > sending email seems to take a very long time sometimes.
> [...]
> > I am really not sure what to do, but I need a working mail server quick.
> > Anyone have any ideas. Also, why would I be getting so may sendmails that
> > just sit there and hang. Is this some kind of dos attack, or is this
> > because of the large amount of spam, and viruses being sent out?
>  Well, a look into your mail logs will certainly shed some light on that!

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