Subject: Re: TCP/IP For A3000 workbench 2.0 ?
To: None <>
From: Gunther Nikl <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/18/2002 15:02:26
On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 12:48:52AM +1100, Darren Reed wrote:
> I've got an A3000 which is doing rather nicely with NetBSD 1.1 on it but
> I'm using loadbsd/gobsd and have a slight problem: getting kernels built
> from NetBSD back to AmigaDOS

  If you are using GoBSD then there is *no* need to copy the kernel over to
  an AmigaDOS partition. GoBSD is able to load the kernel directly from the
  NetBSD partition. However, GoBSD does handle aout kernels only.

> from NetBSD back to AmigaDOS as I don't appear to be able to mount ados
> filesystems r-w.

  There is no write support for AmigaDOS FFS in NetBSD. Thats why you have
  to use "-o ro" during mount.
