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Ginseng and settings...

I know that I really should have posted this on a general maillist, but I feel
that I'm in allready to many maillist and don't feel for join another.

I have played just a little bit with it, but I don't manage to get it work as I
want. I would like to create a ftp-user with a password, but I don't want to
allow this user to have any other access (no telnet, pop3 and so on).

Is this possible? if yes, how do I do that?
and the chroot file, how should it look like, at the moment I only have a
completly empty file.

What about the dumask, how does that work?

I know, it's a quite alot of question... for I'm all to dum to understand the
man pages.

     //Aho                                                        \|||/
                                                                  (. .)
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