Subject: Re: Poor Ariadne Performance on 10/100 Hub
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/31/2001 17:33:55
On 31.03.01, 09:21:28, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 12:49:23AM +0200, Bernd Sieker wrote:
> > Thanks for the tips, I'll keep looking what else I can find.
> Hm, first test would be to use a cross cable to talk directly to another
> 10 Mbit machine.... if you don't depend on some NFS server, of course.

Only /home is on nfs, so that's not a big problem for testing.

But as was to be expected, everything works fine with a direct
cross-over connection to another machine, since it was also working
fine when I connected the Amiga to another hub, which was in turn
connected to the first hub's uplink port.

(If that matters, the other machine is a HP 9000 715 running HP-UX

> also check the statistics you get by netstat -s, for excessive broken packets,
> retransmits, etc.

On my server (Celeron/450, 100Mbps) I have for tcp:
                70645 data packets (5380605 bytes)
                19 data packets (12616 bytes) retransmitted

which is about 0.027%,

on the Amiga I get 
                4341 data packets (5326089 bytes)
                312 data packets (408190 bytes) retransmitted

which is about 7.2%, which I guess is unacceptably high.

At this time the server had been up for about 3 hours, the Amiga for
about half an hour. Both are running 1.5 release.

Since it works fine on a direct connection, whith 10Base2, and also on
another hub, and I have the same problems under AmigaOS, it seems that
somehow the Hub and the Ariadne don't get along well with each other.

> Regards,
> 	-is

Bernd Sieker

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