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Serial port and null modem, ppp

Hi again,

Just for testing my serial connection, I installed minicom. When I'm in 
AmigaDos, I can type on my windows terminal
and receive it on the amiga terminal and also the reverse.

Minicom starts alright. I am not sure if /dev/tty00 is the right serial port. 
I'm on a vanilla A3k. 
Configurations are the same on both terms. The link works in amigados. 

I get 

minicom: cannot open /dev/tty00: Permission denied

I commented out the line in /etc/ttys that uses the amiga serial and rebooted a 
couple of times just to make
sure :).

What else could be using the tty00? Once I get the terms to talk to each other, 
it won't be too long to set up

Francois Landry
Rivière-du-Loup, Québec, Canada

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