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Re: port-amiga/5488

On Sat, Feb 10, 2001 at 07:59:59PM +0200, Petri Koistinen wrote:

.. about two different problems, afaict.
> Look at PR 5488, it should be opened again. It is _not_ obvious user
> error. It is a real bug.

The only possible bug in there is that people can use a graphics mode as a text
console mode. Maybe there should be test for this; on the other hand, we might
soon need a graphics-supported software text mode, to support far east 
fonts. See the tech-kern discussion about this. Also, we should have switched
to wscons for a long long time, thats the reason I didn't put any personal
work into the grf drivers.

If you have a patch handy to check for "text mode in console slot", I'll
consider it.

The PR was closed because the original submitter didn't answer to callbacks,
at least at that time.

> Please, read these too:
> http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-amiga/2000/12/22/0000.html
> http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-amiga/2000/12/27/0000.html

As far as I could tell (but I'm  not sure I understood), you're requesting
to put the graphics controller in a mode (pixel clock) forbidden by the
manufacturer. I don't want to put that code into the tree, for this reason.
If I misunderstood, correct me please.

Btw, you ask in that message:

> Are text console modes real hardware text modes, or are they graphics
> modes with bitmapped fonts copied on screen. It would explain a lot.

Yes, real text modes, for most of the grf* drivers (exception is grf0, and
sort of grf4). Does this change your request?


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