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pppd still not work - another infos


I still cant enable ppp port... Ive tried both tty00 and ttym0 - result
is still the same, immidient modem hangup after modem negotiations. 

New information: if i change tty speed from 57600 to any other (14400,
28800 or any other) - script dont dial any number (if speed=57600 modem
normally dial connection number), and after few second I receive message
- chat-script fail...

It seems like only 57600 speed is tolerated by serial link, and any others.
Ive checked modem settings - also tested it under Amiga - and there is
no reason why under NetBSD its impossible to dial with lower speed. So
maybe the problem is somethere there- under NetBSD 1.3 it was necessary
to lower speed on my amiga (and everything worked OK, speed 57600 was too
fast and comunictation link was unable to work), under 1.4.1 - no data
is transmitted by serial if speed is set to speed other then 57600... 

Ignatios - maybe this information will be usefull to explain my problems?
Why its immpossible to dial number on modem with speed lower 57600 (both
on tty00 and tty0m)?

I still have a hope someone hel me with this problem...


.... Read the docs?  What a RADICAL concept!

|       TNX
|____     BYE

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