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Re: dostype, disklabel, and linux partitions

Fred Heitkamp wrote:
> > >
> > > I downloaded the kernel sources to 1.4.1 and added the ext2fs filesystem
> > > type to the config. It wasn't there or even commented out, which made me
> > > suspicious.   The kernel compiled OK, but could not mount my Linux
> > > partitions.  I get the same error messages as before. "Device not
> > > configured"
> >
> > Maybe we should restart to analyze your problem. First of all, what
> > is the output of "disklabel sd0"?
> The Linux partitions show up as unknown.  The Amiga FFS partitions
> show up as ADOS.  If you'd rather see the actual output, I can
> get that too.
> Fred

NetBSD marks as unknown the partitions with a DOSTYPE that is unknown to
NetBSD. The known DOSTYPEs are for NetBSD1.4.1 :

 - DOS\x (for AmigaOS filesystems upto DOS\5), muFS (MultiUser Filesystem)
 - NBR\x (NetBSD root partition), NBU\x (NetBSD user partition), NBS\0 (NetBSD
swap partition)
 - UNI\2 (AMIX partition)
 - LNX\0 (Linux partition, used for ext2fs), SWP\0 (Linux swap partition). Since

The partition you try to mount, may have a wrong DOSTYPE, It should be LNX\0 but
I think it is not really needed. I used to mount my Linux partitions with
before NetBSD1.4.1.

Another think is that you don't have to compile a kernel with support of ext2fs,
because you may use the ext2fs.o kernel module and load it only when you need
I use kernel modules ext2fs msdosfs and cd9660, which I never really need at


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