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Okay, article is ready.


I completed the article and finally managed to get a screenshot out of
NetBSD 1.4.1 installing xv for NetBSD 1.3.

Thanks for all your help.

I can tell Joern-Erik Burkert to send out a 1-2 copies of it - when it is
printed. So when you are interested tell me. I would say one copy should
probably go to Bernardo Innocenti, but you can't read german language,
can't you?

Please do not ask to send me a copy of the article before it is printed.
In my beginnings as magazine author I did such stuff, but now I prefer to
keep it closed unless its published, to ensure writing it independently
;-). After it I can also sent a electronic copy to some people if you
agree on not redistributing it.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald  - http://helios.home.pages.de
PGP: http://home.pages.de/~helios/autor/wie-erreichen.html
ICQ: #34355756

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