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silo overflows

I try to repost the message, because it seems that nobody noticed it...
please help me!!

could some one tell me how to deal with silo overflows?
I've recompiled the kernel turning on LEV6_DEFER and setting input/output
buffers to 65536/8192, but this doesn't help me much... I've also tried to
lower serial speed to 38400 but silo overflows still slower my connection.
What should I do?

I have an A4000/040 (Commodore A3640) overclocked to 30MHz, 16MB Fast RAM,
4.3GB HD, 40x CD-ROM, CVision 64/3D w/ 4MB + Scandoubler and a 3Com USR 56k
Voice Faxmodem. The kernel version is 1.4M (a sort of 1.5pre I downloaded
and complied three weeks ago), but the problem was the same with the oldest

Thank you
Matteo Beccati - CnTr on #IRC - Socio A.G.I. Ferrara
ICQ: 25518095
A4000/040@30MHz + CV3D

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