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Re: Virtual memory exhausted...

> > I'm trying to compile kde-libs and the system chokes with the error:
> > 
> > Virtual memory exhausted
> Are you sure the swap partition is actually active? the command
> "pstat -s" will show you the active swap partitions.
> You need to have a line like this in /etc/fstab:
> /dev/wd0b       none    swap    sw      0 0
> Unlike earlier versions the kernel no longer has a default swap
> partition, and _all_ swap partitions should appear in /etc/fstab.
> Unless you deliberately set "no_swap" to YES in /etc/rc.conf, you
> should get a warning at boot time about no defined swap partitions.

I had the same problem.  The memory is limited.
Use, for example:
unlimit -h
        (if you're root only)
if you are using tcsh.  Read manuals for other shells.


                - Adam

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