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error compiling kernel.


I'd like to slim my kernel a bit, so I followed the instructions on how to
do that, copied GENERIC and commented all those stuff out I don't have or

After a couple of hours (someone PLEASE donate me a 060! ;-)) the
compilation exits with the following error:

ld -n -Ttext 0 -e start -S -o netbsd ${SYSTEM_OBJ} vers.o
ioconf.o: Undefined symbol '_fdc_ca' referenced from data segment
clnp_input.o: Undefined symbol '_ether_output' referenced from text segment
iso.o: Undefinde symbol '_ether_output' referenced from text segment

Now, what's wrong. I don't have a ether-card (or similar) so I commented
all that out. As for fdc... ??!?!

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