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Re: SingleUser-Problem (2)

Hallo Michael

On 13-Oct-99, you wrote:

> I get a similar message from my IBM DNES 39100 drive.  I think this indicates
> that the drive has one sector per cylinder reserved for automatic bad block
> remapping and thus, the logical geometry differs from the physical geometry.
> I have successfully ignored the message for some time and then switched off
> verbose SCSI diagnostics in the kernel without encountering problems.

That's very good! One problem less ;-)

> You may have given the information already in a previous mail, so excuse
> me if I ask how much memory you have installed.  

That's ok, you never ask me I think. And you were right!! I have 96MB Memory, 
and I startet now the NetBSD wit <44MB (that's limit it does work) then it 
functions without any problem!!

> Still, I have to create my
> own kernel to make netbsd boot with 128+MB RAM installed.  The file I
> have to modify is usr/src/sys/arch/amiga/include/vmparam.h and I change the
> value of VM_KERNEL_PT_PAGES from 4 to 8 (near the end of the file).

I'm very new with NetBSD, so I never compiled a new kernel. Is it possible that 
you tell me where I can get your kernel, if you have done it? 

*Thank you a lot* for solving this problem!!!!

With many thanks

Markus Regli

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