Subject: Re: Display Problem, during "Loadbsd -b netbsd"
To: Daniel Bejron Andersson <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 08/27/1999 22:58:08
On Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 03:11:05AM +0200, Daniel Bejron Andersson wrote:
[copied to the list with his permission, as I think others might benefit
from my answer, too]

> Got my hands on NetBSD today and decided to try it out.
> It seems to have worked fine until I reach the
> part when I give the "Loadbsd -b netbsd" command.
> The display is in the wrong freqvens/format.

yes. NTSC.

> I run a pal TV (I KNOW it's lame but I cant afford
> a monitor for the moment) as display.
> Same thing when I give the -A option.

hm. I suggest, that you blindly:

iteconfig -h 576 [returnkey]
exit [returnkey]

(I didn't try this; if this doesn't work as I expected, ask again)

> By the way, whats the problem with 060 ??

Nothing. What makes you think so?

> When/will a 060 working port come ??

This has been integrated and in official releases for... err.. 3 years? 

Ah, here:
NetBSD 1.1B (DRACO) #292: Wed May  8 10:54:59 MET DST 1996

This was the copyright message of the first DRACO kernel that was compiled on
the machine itself (NetBSD-current as of back then, of course), so the first
official release with 060 and DraCo support must have been 1.2 in December

