Subject: kernel won't boot
To: None <>
From: juillerat joel <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 07/25/1999 15:47:12

after months waiting, i finally upgraded to netbsd 1.4 - i upgraded
my Amiga last year, and was waiting on the Cyberstorm MK3 driver...


the 1.4 kernel won't boot, on my machine, it locks up before opening
the console screen, just stay with a grey screen...

someone on the IRC helps me by sending a custom 1.4 kernel (hope he is
reading this list), which works on my machine, but it miss some
usefull options...

so i started to try to build my own 1.4 kernel, downloaded the -current
and so on. in order to find which piece is locking up...

results are:
- seems it is not related to amiga-specific drivers, the kernel locks up
  with all amiga drivers disabled
- when i disable all stuff, except the real minimum (scsi, console, inet,
  i went to another problem: panic (Address error), at startup (init)

what shall i do ?

now some details about my setup:
Amiga 4000, Cyberstorm MK3, 68060, PicassoIV, Ariadne I, NetBSD/Amiga

thanks in advance
