Subject: Re: Tseng and Picasso videomodes
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/08/1999 23:39:49

several people have reported that their Picasso or Spectrum does
not make their monitor sync properly in console mode. I looked
aroud and found reports from back to NetBSD-1.3. I'm aware of 4 people 
who had the problem; it might be a monitor not liking the edge of its
sync region, or the graphics board setting the sync frequency a bit low.

Michael Hitch tried a bit, and found that he had to slightly increase 
the pixel clock rate.

I want to ask all who have this problem to test this.

Picasso, Piccolo, Spectrum:

binpatch -s _clconsole_mode -o 82 netbsd 	(should be 25200000)
binpatch -s _clconsole_mode -o 82 -r 253000000 netbsd

then boot that new kernel. If your monitor can use a wide area of sync
frequencies, you can try still higher values.

The values in the original kernels are for	31500 Hz/60.35 Hz (Picasso)
The values in the original kernels are for	31250 Hz/59.95 Hz (Tseng/CV)
The proposed pixelclock yields			31625 Hz/60.58 Hz.

I have prepared kernels with the changed value at

Please report whether that works.