Subject: Re: Amiga and Retina ZII
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 02/25/1999 14:07:28
On 25.02.99, 13:29:15, Richard Koerber wrote:
> Hi!
> > The CyberVision 64 is not easy to get by, but I also recommend it. The
> > Retina Z3 is of similar quality, but even harder to get.
> AFAIK Retina Z3 has a 32 bit data path to the video RAMs, while the
> CV64 has 64. But the Retina Z3 should really be sufficient for most
> purposes. I guess it is a matter of personal taste and how much you
> still want to 'invest' into Amiga hardware these days.

I had a Retina BLT Z3 running with NetBSD for some time, and it was
very fine, and not noticably slower than the CV64 I now use. I sold it
because of bus problems in my A3000 with A3640. It turned out the real
problem was the combination of a certain A3000 motherboard revision
with A3640 and ZorroIII, and not the Retina's fault. The person who
bought it also used it in an A3000 with NetBSD and I think he was
quite satisfied with the performance.

The only real drawback of the Retina is that it cannot loop through
the native Amiga custom chip signal.
> --
> Richard Körber          

Bernd Sieker

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