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Re: kernel

> The feature addition file (I refuse to name it "fix") is
> ftp.netbsd.org:/pub/NetBSD/arch/amiga/misc/apollodiffs
> ftp.de.netbsd.org:/pub/NetBSD/arch/amiga/misc/apollodiffs
> If it does not apply cleanly... find out where the conflict is, and apply
> the diff manually.

Your "feature addition file" did apply cleanly to the NetBSD 1.3.3
sources. However, when compiling the file ahsc.c, I got the following
../../../../arch/amiga/dev/ahsc.c: In function `ahscattach':
../../../../arch/amiga/dev/ahsc.c:139: structure has no member named `sc_sbicp'
*** Error code 1

Since I have no idea what's going on in that file, I just commented
the line out:

diff ahsc.c.bak ahsc.c
<       sc->sc_sbicp = (sbic_regmap_p) ((int)rp + 0x41);
> /*    sc->sc_sbicp = (sbic_regmap_p) ((int)rp + 0x41); */

This is most probably wrong (Ignatios, is it?), but at least
the compilation could continue.

Finally, after about 12 hours, my A3000/25 did produce a new
GENERIC 1.3.3 kernel including the patch above.
However, it is NOT TESTED!

You can grab the kernel directly from my machine:


For anyone who is brave enough to test it (Björn!), please back up
your system before trying it. And of course, please let us know
if it works.

Happy New Year to everyone! Keep up the good work!


Rainer Doemer
Information and Computer Science         email: doemer%ics.uci.edu@localhost
University of California, Irvine   http://www.ics.uci.edu/~doemer/

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