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Trouble with ZIP drive


I'm new to NetBSD, and also to this newsgroup. Please excuse if my
question was answered before.

Everytime when I start NetBSD, it checks my hardware. While checking
the SCSI bus, it fails with this report:

  cbiisc0 at line 1515: unexpected MESSAGE OUT phase

The only thing I can do now is reboot my system. :(

I found out that everything works fine when I disconnect my IOmega
ZIP drive from the SCSI bus. Unfortunately, this is not a solution
since my ZIP drive is internal. I dislike to open my tower everytime
I want to run NetBSD, nor do I like to drill a ZIP power switch into
the tower.

Has anyone made the same experience, or (more preferred ;) a good
solution to this problem?

My system: A4000/060/50, AmigaOS 3.1, CyberStorm MKII, CyberSCSI,
  42MB Fast, 2MB Chip, CyberVision64-4MB

SCSI bus (in this bus order):
  - IOmega ZIP (internal SCSI, Firmware Rev. E) (ID5)
  - Pioneer DR-533 CD-ROM (ID4)
  - Quantum Lightning 540S (NetBSD installed, ID0)
  - IBM DCAS-34330 (AmigaOS installed, ID2, terminated)

Thanks in advance! :-))

Richard Körber                          rkoerber%piro.net@localhost

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