Subject: From the originator of 'blizzppc.device and NetBSD 1.3.2'
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 09/07/1998 10:44:40
Thanks to everyone who is/was involved with my question.
My initial thought was to find someone who was able to make NetBSD support
blizzppc.device (for accessing my ROOT,SWAP,USR and LOCAL-partitions on
SCSI-harddrives connected to it). I wasn't looking for a complete port to PPC.
I'm very glad to see so many Amigians still alive and that I'm not alone is this
darken time... ;-)

So let me please know : Is there a short and 'easy' way to make NetBSD recognize
my blizzppc.device in the next few weeks ?

             Thomas Peter Klug alias <RaYDOgG>
                         Team *AMIGA*