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Two IP-Addresses at one Interface


The next days I will work (again) on a DEC 5000/200 at my ISP. I already
installed NetBSD 1.3.2 and set up an IRC-Server, but we have a little

We have two nets, a commercial(chiemgau.com) and a cheaper one
(chiemgau.baynet.de). So we need to give the machine two IP-Addresses at one
Ethernet-Interface. How can we do this?

Michael Moll_________________________________________________
   Fax  :  +49 89 6661726912
e-mail  :  Michael.Moll%chiemgau.baynet.de@localhost
   WWW  :  http://home.chiemgau.com/mmoll/
Und hier eine Nachricht für unsere Freunde vom BND: Haschisch

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