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I installed X11 according INSTALL and didn't change anything in the
configuration, except for what is said in INSTALL.

'/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled/de.xkm' exists.

----- cut here -----
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -dev /dev/grf5 -mode 3 +kb -xkbmap de
----- cut here -----

----- cut here -----
X -dev /dev/grf5 -mode 3 +kb -xkbmap de
----- cut here -----

Why does xterm not show/accept Umlaute?

Cu  Georges Heinesch, Luxembourg
    geohei%ibm.net@localhost - geohei%geocities.com@localhost
    PGP 2.6.3i / 5.1i public key on request and on public servers

... better do a good thing today, than a perfect thing tomorrow ...

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