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Re: more memory or new video card to improve performance?

In article <v02140b05b0e50bd18c17@[]>,
        talmage%cmf.nrl.navy.mil@localhost (David W. Talmage) writes:
> You all seem to know better than I about these things.  If I want X to
> perform better on my A3000, should I buy more memory or a new video board?
> "Luvthang" has 16MB Fast and 2MB Chip RAM.  It has only the native A3000
> video hardware.

16MB is not much for X11 but it's enough. But the native Amiga hardware
is a real bottle neck. You should try to get a graphics board first.

> If the answer is to buy a new video board, does it matter which one as long
> as I buy one of those supported by NetBSD-Amiga/X?

You should get a board with Zorro III support and a 64Bit chipset
(CV64, CV3D or Picasso IV).

Matthias Scheler                                http://home.owl.de/~tron/

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