Subject: Re: Printer-config, CV643d
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sven Differt <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 12/15/1997 23:28:12
Am 15-Dez-97 schrieb Ignatios Souvatzis:

Hi Ignatios,
>> Do I need a special driver or device?

>yes, and you need to write it first.

>(I=B4ve been promised the docs by the manufacturer. =

> Actually, I already have half of them).

Is this very difficult? I have a HP Deskjet 520 printer. Maybe there is a=
documentation available?

Another thing is that I tried to set the "-flipPixels" option but it didn=
change anything. I made this change in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers, w=
I added the mentioned option.

Sven Differt

-- =

Mail:  Sven Differt: <>
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Phone: 07754 (1794)
A4000T,32MB,CS 060/50,Cybervision 64/3D,OS3.1,Ethernet,SCSI HD/CD/ZIP