Subject: Name-Server / CV643D
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sven Differt <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/30/1997 00:49:31

I would like to know how I must setup the nameserver under NetBSD so I can use
names instead of IP-addresses. The network itself works fine (ftp,telnet).
The other thing is if there is a possibility to get the CV64 3D work under
X11R6.1. AGA makes not much fun...
Sorry for having so much questions :-)

best regards,

A4000T,32MB,CS 060/50,Cybervision 64/3D,OS3.1,Ethernet, SCSI HD&CD
Mail:  Sven Differt: <>
Phone: 07754 (1794)