Subject: Running XFreeb86 in mroe than 600x400 res.
To: NetBSD Mailing list - Amiga port <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Edward John M. Brocklesby <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/14/1997 19:46:17
I have installed the X Window System binarys from,
however by default it only runs in 600x400x256. Now, this isnt 
very high. I have rtfm, and it says use -X and -Y, however i tried
this, and it just produced a corrupt screen, but at the correct 
size. I am using A1200 AGA graphics, and i have run setpatch. It 
works fine in PAL-Laced mode, but not in DBLPal, which is what i 
normally use. If i start NetBSd w/o X, i can use iteconfig to get
a large res, with no problems. I can think of no reason for this -
any ideas?

Edward John M. Brocklesby
SDF Security Manager