Subject: NetBSD-CyberstormPPC ???
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mirko Klemm <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 06/29/1997 18:05:01
Is there a chance to port NetBSD (either NetBSD-Amiga or NetBSD-PPC or a
combination of these) to the CyberPPC-Board (Phase5). I heard rumours about
this board not supporting interrupts on the PPC-side and thus being incapable
of running a real OS on the PPC.
There comes an Ultra-Wide-SCSI host adapter with it and a graphics extension
for direct connection to the board is said to be available soon. Does anyone
really know this piece of hardware by own experience?

Symmetrical multiprocessing sure will be hard to implement as far as I know,
but maybe there could be support for the PPC-CPU, RAM, SCSI and Graphics.


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proDAD Software (