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Re: pthreads ?

> Anyone tried to compile the m68k pthread stuff from xxxxBsd ?
> It would be nice if it could be integrated in NetBSD too :)

Two weeks ago I tried it, but it didn't compile out of the box.
I took a short look at the stuff and found that there's probably
more to do than just adjusting makefiles and some headers...
Unfortunately I didn't have enough time, so the archive
pthreads-1_60_beta6.tar.gz still is in my todo directory.

Later I read somewhere (must have been on Proven's Web-pages or so)
that there's already somebody working on an integration into
NetBSD, but I'm not sure about that.

Rainer Doemer                email: rainer%pv915.pv.reshsg.uci.edu@localhost
Information and Computer Science            or: doemer%ics.uci.edu@localhost
University of California, Irvine   http://www.ics.uci.edu/~doemer/

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