Subject: drivers for CyberSCSI, CV64 3D
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tino Keitel <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/12/1997 11:38:33
Hi folks!

I just joined this list and want to know if there are drivers for the 
CyberSCSI MKII module and for the Cybervision 64 3D and where to get them.


              __    -=*--------------------*-------------------------*
--------     // \     | Team *AMIGA*        \ Amiga 4ooo  mk II o6o  |
The          || /     |----------------------\ 50 MB Ram  KS/WB 3.1  |
          ___||___    | IRC :   Scorpi        \ GVP scsi  cyberSCSI  |
Secret   /__/..\__\   |------------------------\ 2,3 Gb HD  CDRom 4x |
         /_|.,,.|_\   | Convergence             \ Picasso II 2 MB    |
Scorpion /__\oo/__\   |--------------------------\ Scandoubler II    |
-------- /  /\/\  \   | \ Philips 17"      |
           ()  ()     *----------------------------*-----------------*