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Re: reRe: EOF in ksrc12

At 06-Mai-97 Patryk £ogiewa(silverdr%inet.com.pl@localhost) wrotes about Re: 
reRe: EOF
in ksrc12
>Dnia 06-Maj-97, Peter Routsis napisa³:

>>>Did you try to untar them one by one? If you tried it this way that's the
>>>reason for the problem. Try this instead:

>>>cat krsrc12.?? | tar xvzf -

>>ganau so hab ich es gemacht.....einzeln hat es immer verweigert.(..das waere
>>ja einfach um den fehler zu finden....)

Please tell us exactly(!) which error occured and try a cat krsrc12.??
in order to find out what happens. If this step was successful you can do a
tar -zxvf kaputtfile.tar.gz
Please write down every single error and send it to port-amiga@...

>>ich frage mich: passiert das nur mir......??????

Don't worry about corrupt files if they are you don't have them in use :-)

              Juergen Schmitz
       E-Mail: Ju.Schmitz%fh-trier.de@localhost
    -- Public-key available on demand --

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