Subject: g++ causes kernel panic (Problem solved 2...)
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Schmitz Juergen <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/01/1997 18:00:49
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Content-Type: text/plain

Sorry folks,

my problem was solved, but just temporarily. All binaries being
used after removing gcc, g++ and cc from /usr/bin have been
from an earlier installed gcc2.7.2bin11-distribution because
they had symbolic links at /usr/local/bin. After removing all
gcc-related symbolic links from /usr/local/bin and renaming all
gcc-related binaries from /usr/bin, no gcc, cc, g++ or CC was
in my path (!for sure!).
After reinstalling comp12-binaries completely with --unlink zxvf- -C / options
(yes, i tared everything together) i've been able to reproduce
the kernelpanic again.

By invoking g++ with the option -v -E i got the attached panic3.txt output but
no kernel-panic.

A kernel panic with all the trace output described before happened
after invoking g++ with option -v. That output file is named panic3_1.txt.

It seems that gcc2.7.2 only worked before, because i used the bin11-version.
Also it makes me feel strange to see the very different sizes of gcc and g++
binaries in the bin11 and bin12-versions...

Have to add, that is the latest one on my system.

Have to reinstall the bin11 gcc2.7.2 again, but i really like to do some more
tests if it isn't possible to reproduce the kernelpanic. BTW, g++2.7.2bin11
has just compiled the latest xpdf successfully on my NetBSD1.2.1. 
So it seems to work well at the moment...


              Juergen Schmitz
    -- Public-key available on demand --
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name="panic3.txt"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 /usr/bin/cc -v -E hello.cpp
gcc version 2.7.2
 /usr/libexec/cpp -lang-c++ -v -undef -D__GNUC__=3D2 -D__GNUG__=3D2 -D__c=
plusplus -D__GNUC_MINOR__=3D7 -Dunix -Dm68k -Dmc68000 -Dmc68020 -D__NetBS=
D__ -D__KPRINTF_ATTRIBUTE__ -D__unix__ -D__m68k__ -D__mc68000__ -D__mc680=
20__ -D__NetBSD__ -D__KPRINTF_ATTRIBUTE__ -D__unix -D__m68k -D__mc68000 -=
D__mc68020 -Asystem(unix) -Asystem(NetBSD) -Acpu(m68k) -Amachine(m68k) -D=
__HAVE_68881__ -D__HAVE_FPU__ hello.cpp
GNU CPP version 2.7.2 (68k, MIT syntax)
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
# 1 "hello.cpp"
# 1 "/usr/include/g++/iostream.h" 1 3

#pragma interface

# 1 "/usr/include/g++/streambuf.h" 1 3

#pragma interface


extern "C" {
# 1 "/usr/include/g++/libio.h" 1 3


# 1 "/usr/include/g++/_G_config.h" 1 3

typedef unsigned long _G_clock_t;
typedef int _G_dev_t;
typedef long long _G_fpos_t;
typedef unsigned int _G_gid_t;
typedef unsigned int _G_ino_t;
typedef unsigned short _G_mode_t;
typedef unsigned short _G_nlink_t;
typedef long long _G_off_t;
typedef int _G_pid_t;

typedef int _G_ptrdiff_t;
typedef unsigned int _G_sigset_t;

typedef unsigned int _G_size_t;
typedef long _G_time_t;
typedef unsigned int _G_uid_t;
typedef int _G_wchar_t;
typedef int _G_ssize_t;
typedef int   _G_wint_t;
typedef char * _G_va_list;

typedef          int   _G_int8_t __attribute__((__mode__(__QI__)));
typedef unsigned int  _G_uint8_t __attribute__((__mode__(__QI__)));
typedef          int  _G_int16_t __attribute__((__mode__(__HI__)));
typedef unsigned int _G_uint16_t __attribute__((__mode__(__HI__)));
typedef          int  _G_int32_t __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__)));
typedef unsigned int _G_uint32_t __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__)));
typedef          int  _G_int64_t __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__)));
typedef unsigned int _G_uint64_t __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__)));

# 30 "/usr/include/g++/libio.h" 2 3

# 51 "/usr/include/g++/libio.h" 3

# 1 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 1 3 4


# 1 "/usr/include/machine/cdefs.h" 1 3 4

# 1 "/usr/include/m68k/cdefs.h" 1 3 4


# 6 "/usr/include/machine/cdefs.h" 2 3 4

# 44 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3 4


# 101 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4



# 55 "/usr/include/g++/libio.h" 2 3





struct _IO_jump_t;  struct _IO_FILE;

struct _IO_marker {
  struct _IO_marker *_next;
  struct _IO_FILE *_sbuf;


  int _pos;
# 164 "/usr/include/g++/libio.h" 3


struct _IO_FILE {
  int _flags;		 =


  char* _IO_read_ptr;	 =

  char* _IO_read_end;	 =

  char* _IO_read_base;	 =

  char* _IO_write_base;	 =

  char* _IO_write_ptr;	 =

  char* _IO_write_end;	 =

  char* _IO_buf_base;	 =

  char* _IO_buf_end;	 =


  char *_IO_save_base;  =

  char *_IO_backup_base;   =

  char *_IO_save_end;  =

  struct _IO_marker *_markers;

  struct _IO_FILE *_chain;

  int _fileno;
  int _blksize;
  _G_off_t  _offset;


  unsigned short _cur_column;
  char _unused;
  char _shortbuf[1];



struct _IO_FILE_plus;
extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_stdin_, _IO_stdout_, _IO_stderr_;

extern "C" {

extern int __underflow  (_IO_FILE*)  ;
extern int __uflow  (_IO_FILE*)  ;
extern int __overflow  (_IO_FILE*, int)  ;


extern int _IO_vfscanf  (_IO_FILE*, const char*, _G_va_list , int*)  ;
extern int _IO_vfprintf  (_IO_FILE*, const char*, _G_va_list )  ;
extern _G_ssize_t  _IO_padn  (_IO_FILE *, int, _G_ssize_t )  ;
extern _G_size_t  _IO_sgetn  (_IO_FILE *, void*, _G_size_t )  ;

extern _G_fpos_t  _IO_seekoff  (_IO_FILE*, _G_off_t , int, int)  ;
extern _G_fpos_t  _IO_seekpos  (_IO_FILE*, _G_fpos_t , int)  ;

extern void _IO_free_backup_area  (_IO_FILE*)  ;


# 36 "/usr/include/g++/streambuf.h" 2 3


extern "C++" {
class istream;  =

class ostream; class streambuf;


typedef _G_off_t  streamoff;
typedef _G_fpos_t  streampos;
typedef _G_ssize_t  streamsize;

typedef unsigned long __fmtflags;
typedef unsigned char __iostate;

struct _ios_fields
{  =

    streambuf *_strbuf;
    ostream* _tie;
    int _width;
    __fmtflags _flags;
    short  _fill;
    __iostate _state;
    __iostate _exceptions;
    int _precision;

    void *_arrays;  =


# 115 "/usr/include/g++/streambuf.h" 3

class ios : public _ios_fields {
  ios& operator=3D(ios&);   =

    typedef __fmtflags fmtflags;
    typedef int iostate;
    typedef int openmode;
    typedef int streamsize;
    enum io_state {
	goodbit =3D 0 ,
	eofbit =3D 1 ,
	failbit =3D 2 ,
	badbit =3D 4  };
    enum open_mode {
	in =3D 1 ,
	out =3D 2 ,
	ate =3D 4 ,
	app =3D 8 ,
	trunc =3D 16 ,
	nocreate =3D 32 ,
	noreplace =3D 64 ,
	bin =3D 128  };
    enum seek_dir { beg, cur, end};


    enum { skipws=3D 01 ,
	   left=3D 02 , right=3D 04 , internal=3D 010 ,
	   dec=3D 020 , oct=3D 040 , hex=3D 0100 ,
	   showbase=3D 0200 , showpoint=3D 0400 ,
	   uppercase=3D 01000 , showpos=3D 02000 ,
	   scientific=3D 04000 , fixed=3D 010000 ,
	   unitbuf=3D 020000 , stdio=3D 040000 =

    enum {  =

	floatfield =3D scientific+fixed,
	adjustfield =3D left+right+internal

# 166 "/usr/include/g++/streambuf.h" 3

    ostream* tie() const { return _tie; }
    ostream* tie(ostream* val) { ostream* save=3D_tie; _tie=3Dval; return=
 save; }


    short  fill() const { return (short )_fill; }
    short  fill(short  newf)
	{short  oldf =3D (short )_fill; _fill =3D (char)newf; return oldf;}
    fmtflags flags() const { return _flags; }
    fmtflags flags(fmtflags new_val) {
	fmtflags old_val =3D _flags; _flags =3D new_val; return old_val; }
    int precision() const { return _precision; }
    int precision(int newp) {
	unsigned short oldp =3D _precision; _precision =3D (unsigned short)newp;=

	return oldp; }
    fmtflags setf(fmtflags val) {
	fmtflags oldbits =3D _flags;
	_flags |=3D val; return oldbits; }
    fmtflags setf(fmtflags val, fmtflags mask) {
	fmtflags oldbits =3D _flags;
	_flags =3D (_flags & ~mask) | (val & mask); return oldbits; }
    fmtflags unsetf(fmtflags mask) {
	fmtflags oldbits =3D _flags;
	_flags &=3D ~mask; return oldbits; }
    int width() const { return _width; }
    int width(int val) { int save =3D _width; _width =3D val; return save=
; }

    void _throw_failure() const { }

    void clear(iostate state =3D 0) {
	_state =3D _strbuf ? state : state|badbit;
	if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }
    void set(iostate flag) { _state |=3D flag;
	if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }
    void setstate(iostate flag) { _state |=3D flag;  =

	if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }
    int good() const { return _state =3D=3D 0; }
    int eof() const { return _state & ios::eofbit; }
    int fail() const { return _state & (ios::badbit|ios::failbit); }
    int bad() const { return _state & ios::badbit; }
    iostate rdstate() const { return _state; }
    operator void*() const { return fail() ? (void*)0 : (void*)(-1); }
    int operator!() const { return fail(); }
    iostate exceptions() const { return _exceptions; }
    void exceptions(iostate enable) {
	_exceptions =3D enable;
	if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }

    streambuf* rdbuf() const { return _strbuf; }
    streambuf* rdbuf(streambuf *_s) {
      streambuf *_old =3D _strbuf; _strbuf =3D _s; clear (); return _old;=

    static int sync_with_stdio(int on);
    static void sync_with_stdio() { sync_with_stdio(1); }
    static fmtflags bitalloc();
    static int xalloc();
    void*& pword(int);
    void* pword(int) const;
    long& iword(int);
    long iword(int) const;


    class Init {
      Init () { }

    inline ios(streambuf* sb =3D 0, ostream* tie_to =3D 0);
    inline virtual ~ios();
    inline void init(streambuf* sb, ostream* tie =3D 0);

typedef ios::seek_dir _seek_dir;








class streammarker : private _IO_marker {
    friend class streambuf;
    void set_offset(int offset) { _pos =3D offset; }
    streammarker(streambuf *sb);
    int saving() { return  1; }
    int delta(streammarker&);
    int delta();

struct streambuf : public _IO_FILE {  =

    friend class ios;
    friend class istream;
    friend class ostream;
    friend class streammarker;
    const void *&_vtable() { return *(const void**)((_IO_FILE*)this + 1);=
    static streambuf* _list_all;  =

    _IO_FILE*& xchain() { return _chain; }
    void _un_link();
    void _link_in();
    char* gptr() const
      { return _flags  & 0x100  ? _IO_save_base : _IO_read_ptr; }
    char* pptr() const { return _IO_write_ptr; }
    char* egptr() const
      { return _flags  & 0x100  ? _IO_save_end : _IO_read_end; }
    char* epptr() const { return _IO_write_end; }
    char* pbase() const { return _IO_write_base; }
    char* eback() const
      { return _flags  & 0x100  ? _IO_save_base : _IO_read_base;}
    char* base() const { return _IO_buf_base; }
    char* ebuf() const { return _IO_buf_end; }
    int blen() const { return _IO_buf_end - _IO_buf_base; }
    void xput_char(char c) { *_IO_write_ptr++ =3D c; }
    int xflags() { return _flags ; }
    int xflags(int f) {int fl =3D _flags ; _flags  =3D f; return fl;}
    void xsetflags(int f) { _flags  |=3D f; }
    void xsetflags(int f, int mask)
      { _flags  =3D (_flags  & ~mask) | (f & mask); }
    void gbump(int n)
      { _flags  & 0x100  ? (_IO_save_base+=3Dn):(_IO_read_ptr+=3Dn);}
    void pbump(int n) { _IO_write_ptr +=3D n; }
    void setb(char* b, char* eb, int a=3D0);
    void setp(char* p, char* ep)
      { _IO_write_base=3D_IO_write_ptr=3Dp; _IO_write_end=3Dep; }
    void setg(char* eb, char* g, char *eg) {
      if (_flags  & 0x100 ) _IO_free_backup_area(this); =

      _IO_read_base =3D eb; _IO_read_ptr =3D g; _IO_read_end =3D eg; }
    char *shortbuf() { return _shortbuf; }

    int in_backup() { return _flags & 0x100 ; }

    char *Gbase() { return in_backup() ? _IO_save_base : _IO_read_base; }=


    char *eGptr() { return in_backup() ? _IO_save_end : _IO_read_end; }

    char *Bbase() { return in_backup() ? _IO_read_base : _IO_save_base; }=

    char *Bptr() { return _IO_backup_base; }

    char *eBptr() { return in_backup() ? _IO_read_end : _IO_save_end; }
    char *Nbase() { return _IO_save_base; }
    char *eNptr() { return _IO_save_end; }
    int have_backup() { return _IO_save_base !=3D ((void*)0) ; }
    int have_markers() { return _markers !=3D ((void*)0) ; }
    void free_backup_area();
    void unsave_markers();  =

    int put_mode() { return _flags & 0x800 ; }
    int switch_to_get_mode();

    streambuf(int flags=3D0);
    static int flush_all();
    static void flush_all_linebuffered();  =

    virtual ~streambuf();
    virtual int overflow(int c =3D (-1) );  =

    virtual int underflow();  =

    virtual int uflow();  =

    virtual int pbackfail(int c);

    virtual streamsize xsputn(const char* s, streamsize n);
    virtual streamsize xsgetn(char* s, streamsize n);
    virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=3Dios::in|io=
    virtual streampos seekpos(streampos pos, int mode =3D ios::in|ios::ou=

    streampos pubseekoff(streamoff o, _seek_dir d, int mode=3Dios::in|ios=
      { return _IO_seekoff (this, o, d, mode); }
    streampos pubseekpos(streampos pos, int mode =3D ios::in|ios::out)
      { return _IO_seekpos (this, pos, mode); }
    streampos sseekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=3Dios::in|ios::out)=
    streampos sseekpos(streampos pos, int mode =3D ios::in|ios::out);
    virtual streambuf* setbuf(char* p, int len);
    virtual int sync();
    virtual int doallocate();

    int seekmark(streammarker& mark, int delta =3D 0);
    int sputbackc(char c);
    int sungetc();
    int unbuffered() { return _flags & 2  ? 1 : 0; }
    int linebuffered() { return _flags & 0x200  ? 1 : 0; }
    void unbuffered(int i)
	{ if (i) _flags |=3D 2 ; else _flags &=3D ~2 ; }
    void linebuffered(int i)
	{ if (i) _flags |=3D 0x200 ; else _flags &=3D ~0x200 ; }
    int allocate() {  =

	if (base() || unbuffered()) return 0;
	else return doallocate(); }

    void allocbuf() { if (base() =3D=3D ((void*)0) ) doallocbuf(); }
    void doallocbuf();
    int in_avail() { return _IO_read_end - _IO_read_ptr; }
    int out_waiting() { return _IO_write_ptr - _IO_write_base; }
    streamsize sputn(const char* s, streamsize n) { return xsputn(s, n); =
    streamsize padn(char pad, streamsize n) { return _IO_padn(this, pad, =
n); }
    streamsize sgetn(char* s, streamsize n) { return _IO_sgetn(this, s, n=
); }
    int ignore(int);
    int get_column();
    int set_column(int);
    long sgetline(char* buf, _G_size_t  n, char delim, int putback_delim)=
    int sputc(int c) { return (((  this )->_IO_write_ptr >=3D (  this )->=
_IO_write_end) ? __overflow(  this , (unsigned char)( c )) : (unsigned ch=
ar)(*(  this )->_IO_write_ptr++ =3D ( c ))) ; }
    int sbumpc() { return (( this )->_IO_read_ptr >=3D ( this )->_IO_read=
_end ? __uflow( this ) : *(unsigned char*)( this )->_IO_read_ptr++) ; }
    int sgetc() { return (( this )->_IO_read_ptr >=3D ( this )->_IO_read_=
end && __underflow( this ) =3D=3D (-1)  ? (-1)  : *(unsigned char*)( this=
 )->_IO_read_ptr) ; }
    int snextc() {
	if (_IO_read_ptr >=3D _IO_read_end && __underflow(this) =3D=3D (-1) )
	  return (-1) ;
	else return _IO_read_ptr++, sgetc(); }
    void stossc() { if (_IO_read_ptr < _IO_read_end) _IO_read_ptr++; }
    int vscan(char const *fmt0, _G_va_list  ap, ios* stream =3D ((void*)0=
) );
    int scan(char const *fmt0 ...);
    int vform(char const *fmt0, _G_va_list  ap);
    int form(char const *fmt0 ...);

    virtual streamsize sys_read(char* buf, streamsize size);
    virtual streamsize sys_write(const char*, streamsize);
    virtual streampos sys_seek(streamoff, _seek_dir);
    virtual int sys_close();
    virtual int sys_stat(void*);  =




class filebuf : public streambuf {
    void init();
    static const int openprot;  =

    filebuf(int fd);
    filebuf(int fd, char* p, int len);

    filebuf* attach(int fd);
    filebuf* open(const char *filename, const char *mode);
    filebuf* open(const char *filename, ios::openmode mode, int prot =3D =
    virtual int underflow();
    virtual int overflow(int c =3D (-1) );
    int is_open() const { return _fileno >=3D 0; }
    int fd() const { return is_open() ? _fileno : (-1) ; }
    filebuf* close();
    virtual int doallocate();
    virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=3Dios::in|io=
    virtual streambuf* setbuf(char* p, int len);
    streamsize xsputn(const char* s, streamsize n);
    streamsize xsgetn(char* s, streamsize n);
    virtual int sync();
  protected:  =


    int is_reading() { return eback() !=3D egptr(); }
    char* cur_ptr() { return is_reading() ?  gptr() : pptr(); }

    char* file_ptr() { return eGptr(); }

    virtual streamsize sys_read(char* buf, streamsize size);
    virtual streampos sys_seek(streamoff, _seek_dir);
    virtual streamsize sys_write(const char*, streamsize);
    virtual int sys_stat(void*);  =

    virtual int sys_close();


inline void ios::init(streambuf* sb, ostream* tie_to) {
		_state =3D sb ? ios::goodbit : ios::badbit; _exceptions=3D0;
		_strbuf=3Dsb; _tie =3D tie_to; _width=3D0; _fill=3D' ';


		_precision=3D6; _arrays =3D 0; }

inline ios::ios(streambuf* sb, ostream* tie_to) { init(sb, tie_to); }

inline ios::~ios() {

    if (_arrays) delete [] _arrays;
}  =

# 31 "/usr/include/g++/iostream.h" 2 3

extern "C++" {
class istream; class ostream;
typedef ios& (*__manip)(ios&);
typedef istream& (*__imanip)(istream&);
typedef ostream& (*__omanip)(ostream&);

extern istream& ws(istream& ins);
extern ostream& flush(ostream& outs);
extern ostream& endl(ostream& outs);
extern ostream& ends(ostream& outs);

class ostream : virtual public ios

    void do_osfx();
    ostream() { }
    ostream(streambuf* sb, ostream* tied=3D ((void*)0) );
    int opfx() {
	if (!good()) return 0; else { if (_tie) _tie->flush(); return 1;} }
    void osfx() { if (flags() & (ios::unitbuf|ios::stdio))
		      do_osfx(); }
    ostream& flush();
    ostream& put(char c) { _strbuf->sputc(c); return *this; }

    ostream& write(const char *s, streamsize n);
    ostream& write(const unsigned char *s, streamsize n)
      { return write((const char*)s, n);}
    ostream& write(const signed char *s, streamsize n)
      { return write((const char*)s, n);}
    ostream& write(const void *s, streamsize n)
      { return write((const char*)s, n);}
    ostream& seekp(streampos);
    ostream& seekp(streamoff, _seek_dir);
    streampos tellp();
    ostream& form(const char *format ...);
    ostream& vform(const char *format, _G_va_list  args);

    ostream& operator<<(char c);
    ostream& operator<<(unsigned char c) { return (*this) << (char)c; }
    ostream& operator<<(signed char c) { return (*this) << (char)c; }
    ostream& operator<<(const char *s);
    ostream& operator<<(const unsigned char *s)
	{ return (*this) << (const char*)s; }
    ostream& operator<<(const signed char *s)
	{ return (*this) << (const char*)s; }
    ostream& operator<<(const void *p);
    ostream& operator<<(int n);
    ostream& operator<<(unsigned int n);
    ostream& operator<<(long n);
    ostream& operator<<(unsigned long n);

    ostream& operator<<(long long n);
    ostream& operator<<(unsigned long long n);

    ostream& operator<<(short n) {return operator<<((int)n);}
    ostream& operator<<(unsigned short n) {return operator<<((unsigned in=

    ostream& operator<<(bool b) { return operator<<((int)b); }

    ostream& operator<<(double n);
    ostream& operator<<(float n) { return operator<<((double)n); }
    ostream& operator<<(long double n) { return operator<<((double)n); }
    ostream& operator<<(__omanip func) { return (*func)(*this); }
    ostream& operator<<(__manip func) {(*func)(*this); return *this;}
    ostream& operator<<(streambuf*);


class istream : virtual public ios

    _G_size_t  _gcount;

    int _skip_ws();
    istream() { _gcount =3D 0; }
    istream(streambuf* sb, ostream*tied=3D ((void*)0) );
    istream& get(char* ptr, int len, char delim =3D '\n');
    istream& get(unsigned char* ptr, int len, char delim =3D '\n')
	{ return get((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
    istream& get(char& c);
    istream& get(unsigned char& c) { return get((char&)c); }
    istream& getline(char* ptr, int len, char delim =3D '\n');
    istream& getline(unsigned char* ptr, int len, char delim =3D '\n')
	{ return getline((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
    istream& get(signed char& c)  { return get((char&)c); }
    istream& get(signed char* ptr, int len, char delim =3D '\n')
	{ return get((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
    istream& getline(signed char* ptr, int len, char delim =3D '\n')
	{ return getline((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
    istream& read(char *ptr, streamsize n);
    istream& read(unsigned char *ptr, streamsize n)
      { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
    istream& read(signed char *ptr, streamsize n)
      { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
    istream& read(void *ptr, streamsize n)
      { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
    istream& get(streambuf& sb, char delim =3D '\n');
    istream& gets(char **s, char delim =3D '\n');
    int ipfx(int need =3D 0) {
	if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
	else {
	  if (_tie && (need =3D=3D 0 || rdbuf()->in_avail() < need)) _tie->flush=
	  if (!need && (flags() & ios::skipws)) return _skip_ws();
	  else return 1;
    int ipfx0() {  =

	if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
	else {
	  if (_tie) _tie->flush();
	  if (flags() & ios::skipws) return _skip_ws();
	  else return 1;
    int ipfx1() {  =

	if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
	else {
	  if (_tie && rdbuf()->in_avail() =3D=3D 0) _tie->flush();
	  return 1;
    void isfx() { }
    int get() { if (!ipfx1()) return (-1) ;
		else { int ch =3D _strbuf->sbumpc();
		       if (ch =3D=3D (-1) ) set(ios::eofbit);
		       return ch;
		     } }
    int peek();
    _G_size_t  gcount() { return _gcount; }
    istream& ignore(int n=3D1, int delim =3D (-1) );
    int sync ();
    istream& seekg(streampos);
    istream& seekg(streamoff, _seek_dir);
    streampos tellg();
    istream& putback(char ch) {
	if (good() && _strbuf->sputbackc(ch) =3D=3D (-1) ) clear(ios::badbit);
	return *this;}
    istream& unget() {
	if (good() && _strbuf->sungetc() =3D=3D (-1) ) clear(ios::badbit);
	return *this;}
    istream& scan(const char *format ...);
    istream& vscan(const char *format, _G_va_list  args);

    istream& operator>>(char*);
    istream& operator>>(unsigned char* p) { return operator>>((char*)p); =
    istream& operator>>(signed char*p) { return operator>>((char*)p); }
    istream& operator>>(char& c);
    istream& operator>>(unsigned char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
    istream& operator>>(signed char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
    istream& operator>>(int&);
    istream& operator>>(long&);

    istream& operator>>(long long&);
    istream& operator>>(unsigned long long&);

    istream& operator>>(short&);
    istream& operator>>(unsigned int&);
    istream& operator>>(unsigned long&);
    istream& operator>>(unsigned short&);

    istream& operator>>(bool&);

    istream& operator>>(float&);
    istream& operator>>(double&);
    istream& operator>>(long double&);
    istream& operator>>( __manip func) {(*func)(*this); return *this;}
    istream& operator>>(__imanip func) { return (*func)(*this); }
    istream& operator>>(streambuf*);

class iostream : public istream, public ostream
    iostream() { }
    iostream(streambuf* sb, ostream*tied=3D ((void*)0) );

class _IO_istream_withassign : public istream {
  _IO_istream_withassign& operator=3D(istream&);

class _IO_ostream_withassign : public ostream {
  _IO_ostream_withassign& operator=3D(ostream&);

extern _IO_istream_withassign cin;

extern _IO_ostream_withassign cout, cerr, clog;

struct Iostream_init { } ;   =

inline ios& dec(ios& i)
{ i.setf(ios::dec, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
inline ios& hex(ios& i)
{ i.setf(ios::hex, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
inline ios& oct(ios& i)
{ i.setf(ios::oct, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
}  =

# 1 "hello.cpp" 2

void main(void)

cout << "Hello NetBSD";

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name="panic3_1.txt"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 /usr/bin/cc -v hello.cpp -lg++ -lstdc++ -lm
gcc version 2.7.2
 /usr/libexec/cpp -lang-c++ -v -undef -D__GNUC__=3D2 -D__GNUG__=3D2 -D__c=
plusplus -D__GNUC_MINOR__=3D7 -Dunix -Dm68k -Dmc68000 -Dmc68020 -D__NetBS=
D__ -D__KPRINTF_ATTRIBUTE__ -D__unix__ -D__m68k__ -D__mc68000__ -D__mc680=
20__ -D__NetBSD__ -D__KPRINTF_ATTRIBUTE__ -D__unix -D__m68k -D__mc68000 -=
D__mc68020 -Asystem(unix) -Asystem(NetBSD) -Acpu(m68k) -Amachine(m68k) -D=
__HAVE_68881__ -D__HAVE_FPU__ hello.cpp /var/tmp/cc000186.ii
GNU CPP version 2.7.2 (68k, MIT syntax)
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
 /usr/libexec/cc1plus /var/tmp/cc000186.ii -quiet -dumpbase -ver=
sion -o /var/tmp/cc000186.s
GNU C++ version 2.7.2 (68k, MIT syntax) compiled by GNU C version 2.7.2.
