Subject: SV:
To: Per Magne Knutsen <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Erik H. Bakke <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/10/1997 08:57:00
>     Some beginners questions:
> I am planning on installing NetBSD on my Amiga. Its '060 acellerated and
> plenty of RAM.
> 1.  Does the swap partition  a l w a y s  need "2M for every M ram" ?
The 2:1 swapspace is recommended, but as you increase the amount of
RAM, you should be able to reduce the relative size of the swap partition.
On my BSD system (running on a PC) I have 40Mb RAM, but not more than 60Mb
of swap, which amounts to 1.5:1 relative size.

> 2. What sizes is recommended for the /local partition ? Can anyone give
>     examples of sizes of this partition and for what purposes NetBSD is
I usually keep the 'local' tree under /usr, in /usr/local.
The local tree is usually used to store files that you have installed and
that are local to
your own site (If my memory serves me right)

> Gratitude is expressed for advice !

Always glad to help someone getting started on BSD.

Erik H. Bakke   ---