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Re: zip/ditto/etc hardware

>today the ZIP won't configure.

okay, i give.  either i've got SCSI bus problems that AmigaDOS can handle and 
NetBSD can't, or ZIPs just don't work under NetBSD 1.0.

- the drive will not configure without a disk in it
- when a disk is in the ZIP, at least nine boots out of ten,configuration stops 
with (typically):
        sbicwait TIMEO @1036 with asr=x0 csr=x40
        ahsco: abort icmd: csr = 0x40, asr=x40
(the Quantum Lightning won't configure about half the time, either - between 
the two, i had incredible luck to get the ZIP to go so easily the first night)
- i've never had it configure and mount a disk that's had disklabel applied to 
it (even after i rewrote my disktab entry to leave the first two cylinders 
- newfs and mount won't work unless i use disklabel
- i don't dare try to upgrade to 1.2 (will it work any better?) without some 
reliable backup of 1.0

could my disklabel be the wrong one for 1.0?  i'm sure it's the one that came 
with it.  but the only disks which have ever let the drive configure i had 
hdtoolboxed with a partition like the "NBU\07" partitions on my Quantum.  
success with them is very rare anyway.  i do know  disklabel -r sd0 (my Quantum 
is /dev/sd0) produces an error; and once i apply disklabel to a ZIP disk, 
hdtoolbox can't make sense of it anymore.

or am i writing a wrong disklabel?  i had just putzed around the first night 
until i hit something that worked... here's the disktab entry:

# i did not account for the RigidDiskBlock - first 2 cylinders
# 2891 cyl * 1 tk/cyl * 68 sec/tk = 196588 sec
#    2 cyl * 1 tk/cyl * 68 sec/tk =    136 sec
#                        difference 196452 sec
zip100|Iomega ZIP 100:\

i tried :oc#0:pc#196588: as well.


Hume Smith  <URL:mailto:hclsmith%tallships.istar.ca@localhost>

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