Subject: Re: zip/ditto/etc hardware
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/11/1997 16:37:24
>today the ZIP won't configure.

okay, i give.  either i've got SCSI bus problems that AmigaDOS can handle =
and NetBSD can't, or ZIPs just don't work under NetBSD 1.0.

- the drive will not configure without a disk in it
- when a disk is in the ZIP, at least nine boots out of ten,configuration =
stops with (typically):
	sbicwait TIMEO @1036 with asr=3Dx0 csr=3Dx40
	ahsco: abort icmd: csr =3D 0x40, asr=3Dx40
(the Quantum Lightning won't configure about half the time, either - =
between the two, i had incredible luck to get the ZIP to go so easily the =
first night)
- i've never had it configure and mount a disk that's had disklabel =
applied to it (even after i rewrote my disktab entry to leave the first =
two cylinders alone)
- newfs and mount won't work unless i use disklabel
- i don't dare try to upgrade to 1.2 (will it work any better?) without =
some reliable backup of 1.0

could my disklabel be the wrong one for 1.0?  i'm sure it's the one that =
came with it.  but the only disks which have ever let the drive configure =
i had hdtoolboxed with a partition like the "NBU\07" partitions on my =
Quantum.  success with them is very rare anyway.  i do know  disklabel -r =
sd0 (my Quantum is /dev/sd0) produces an error; and once i apply disklabel =
to a ZIP disk, hdtoolbox can't make sense of it anymore.

or am i writing a wrong disklabel?  i had just putzed around the first =
night until i hit something that worked... here's the disktab entry:

# i did not account for the RigidDiskBlock - first 2 cylinders
# 2891 cyl * 1 tk/cyl * 68 sec/tk =3D 196588 sec
#    2 cyl * 1 tk/cyl * 68 sec/tk =3D    136 sec
#                        difference 196452 sec
zip100|Iomega ZIP 100:\

i tried :oc#0:pc#196588: as well.


Hume Smith  <>