Subject: Re: Gzip for AmigaDOS
To: She stares at the screen at the little words in green <>
From: Kolbj|rn Barmen <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 11/20/1996 20:07:07
On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, She stares at the screen at the little words in green wrote:

> >No.. hm.. perhaps it would actually be smart to first rename .tgz file to
> >tar.gz, since gzip will try to remove the .gz extension from the file.
> That's what I have been doing....;-)

Oh.. OK :)

> >They shouldnt.
> Well the AmigaDOS version gives a slightly longer filesize on the one file I 
> tested.
> It's only a couple of bytes difference, but I would have thought it would be 
> the same.
> I had a ".gz" file which I created using the i386 Linux version of Gzip, 
> which I decompressed and then recompressed using the AmigaDOS version of 
> gzip. The file compressed under AmigaDOS was larger!

Ah.. well, the compression rate depends on what version of gzip you are
running. The _uncompressed_ files should be the same size everywhere.

 Kolbjørn Barmen  /\¯\ "I met the Amiga and fell in love..."   // T e a m \/_/   <>   \XX/ A M I G A
Nettverksgruppa NVG    Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU