Subject: Re: Gzip for AmigaDOS
To: She stares at the screen at the little words in green <>
From: Kolbj|rn Barmen <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 11/20/1996 13:10:13
On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, She stares at the screen at the little words in green wrote:

> I've searched everywhere, and the only one I've found is gzip124x2 on Aminet 
> under
> util/pack. This works to a point, but won't handle .tgz files, and seems to 
> crash my system more than I can tolerate. Maybe it isn't 040 friendly, I dunno. 

Increase your stacksize before starting gzip, try something like 20000 or
so. To untar .tgz and .tar.gz you also need tar, but I guess you've
figured that one out already. So first unzip them, and then `tar xvf
file.tar' to unpack them. (btw. the amiga-tar is quite funny with it's
"Warning, you are running current revision of ixemul.library" message :) )

 Kolbjørn Barmen  /\¯\ "I met the Amiga and fell in love..."   // T e a m \/_/   <>   \XX/ A M I G A
Nettverksgruppa NVG    Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU