Subject: Quick partitioning question
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 11/14/1996 18:10:00
Does anybody know how to repair a broken disklabel?

I've got a 730mb Quantum drive here with a messed up label. I just put in
a 4091, and hadn't quite gotten the termination down right (I don't have any
internal drives hooked up, so it got upset).

When the termination wasn't right, I ran hdtoolbox. It saw the disk, with
the correct drive type, but it said it was "Changed".

Fine. I clicked "save changes to disk" not realizing what a mistake that
would be. When I rebooted, HDToolBox said the drive type was "Unknown".

AmigaDOS saw the AmigaDOS partitions that I had on it (2 amigados partitions).
I can't get bffs (1.3 I believe) to mount the root partition so I can
read a kernel off of it. No matter, I have a generic kernel sitting in
AmigaDOS land (man, was I smart when I put that there!). 

I boot NetBSD with the generic kernel. I get to single-user mode just fine.
The disklabel command shows me my partition table, with everything just fine.

I just can't edit the disk with HDToolBox, nor can I get bffs working.

I'd like to reset the drive type, without blowing away my partitions (which
NetBSD has _no_ problems with). Any ideas?

I can dd the beginning of the disk off, if anybody knows which byte I need
to change. Actually, I could probably get NetBSD running and write a program
to seek to the correct location and change it. 

I just need to know what to change. Ideas?

Thanks guys! 
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore, Comp. Sci. -
XCOMM       -
XCOMM "Comments in code are kinda useless, anyway."
XCOMM   -- Brian Rumple, TA for my OS class, NCSU. November 6,1996